Louise Choquette-Chartrand's Photo Album
Henri Choquette and Mathilde Letarte's Descendants See their biography:
Henri Choquette and Mathilde Letarte 1819, Mont St-Gregoire, P.Q. Great-grand-father
Some members of Henri Choquette and Mathilde Letarte's Family in front of their house in St-Gr�goire, P.Q. (1898) : Hector, Ph�odorine, Alexandrine, and the parents
Georgianna Choquette and Rosario Galipeau 1871, St-Athanase, P.Q. Great-aunt
Ph�odorine Choquette 1875, Mont St-Gr�goire Great-aunt
Alcide Choquette and Florence McDougall 1880, Mont St-Gr�goire Great-uncle
Jeanne Choquette 1909, Mont St-Gr�goire In front of St-Jean's Hospital in 1929 Louise's Aunt
Jeanne Choquette in front of Nicolas Choquet's monument during the 300th Anniversary Celebrations (1965)